Anonymous Warning Handwriting Identification
- The Anonymous Warning on the back of the America's Next Superstar flyer isn't signed. Are there any signed notes among your evidence that you could reference and compare?
Melissa's handwriting can be seen in the producer's notepad pages. To view the handwriting of the rest of the suspects, compare the handwriting of the anonymous warning with the notes on the staging plan.
Email from Caleb
- This seems like a strange message; why would Melissa save it?
Take a look at the first letter of each word in Caleb's email.
Locked Producers' Drive
- The America's Next Superstar website at americasnextsuperstar.com has a locked section titled "Producers' Drive." Who could this drive belong to?
- The letter from Leslie directs you to review the producer's notepad pages in order to determine the username and password for the Producers' Drive.
- America's Next Superstar IDs are generated based on each person's name and group. Are there any official ANS documents in the box that might list these groups?
- According to the producer's notepad pages, Melissa's password is the date when her soul started slowly dying, formatted as a two-digit month followed by a four-digit year. She doesn't seem to enjoy her job as a producer.
Locked Suitcase
- To determine the combination to the lock on the locked suitcase, you'll need the suitcase itself and the notes on the back of the map of venue.
Pokey's world tour on the back of the map of venue mentions various cities in a specific order. He'll need his suitcase if he plans on traveling to these cities – what do you notice about the stickers on the locked suitcase?
Map of Venue
- Paul also wrote the encoded note on the back of the map of venue.
Pepe's Diagram
- The "gear spacing roll test" along the edges of Pepe's diagram requires the use of a timing gear that's 4 centimeters in diameter. Is there anything else in the box that you can use that's the same size as the missing gear?
- The magician's coin is also 4 centimeters in diameter and features rays of light that look like spokes of a wheel or gear.
Roll the magician's coin along the string of letters and mark where each ray touches a letter. Alternatively, use the measuring grid in the bottom right corner of the page.
Pokey's Trick
- The final handwritten note on the back of Pokey's trick in the suitcase appears to be encoded. What else is in the suitcase that might help you solve this cipher?
The white rabbit in the locked suitcase features the number 13.
Suspect Elimination
- Remember, the killer had to have the means, motive, and opportunity to murder Paul. You can safely eliminate any suspects who do not fit one or more of these criteria.
- To identify the means, take a closer look at the photo of the crime scene in the show incident report.
- The producer's notepad pages include a list of each contestant's rider. Revisit that list to see who had access to what.
Show business is fast-paced! It's not unusual for things to change last minute. Where could you look to confirm the most up-to-date schedule of the day's events?
Time of Death
The show incident report states that Paul's body was found at approximately 3:45 pm on Tuesday. Take a look through all the evidence in the box. Are there any time stamps that can confirm when he was last alive?
Anonymous Warning Handwriting Identification
- The handwriting of the anonymous warning matches Caleb's handwriting on the staging plan.
Email from Caleb
- If you pull the first letter from each word in the first sentence, you'll uncover the following message: "I love you, Melissa."
Game Finish
- Dave Page is the killer. To confirm your answer and complete the game, open the solution envelope and read its contents.
Locked Producers' Drive
- Find Melissa's login credentials to access the Producers' Drive. According to the rehearsal schedule, producers are in group 01.
- The ANS IDs on the semifinals program all follow a pattern: the first letter of a person's name, the next consonant, the first letter of their last name, and their group number.
- Melissa's ANS ID is MLG01.
- The ANS website mentions that the show started airing in October 2016, which is also when Melissa started working as the assistant producer.
- Melissa's password is 102016. Log in to the Producers' Drive with the username MLG01 and the password 102016 to gain access to additional evidence.
Locked Suitcase
- The order of the cities listed in Pokey's world tour on the back of the map of venue is crucial for determining the three-digit combination to the lock on his suitcase.
- Try replacing the cities in the world tour with the name of the country they're in.
- If you replace the city names with their corresponding countries, "Paris to Rome to Caracas to Cairo" becomes "France to Italy to Venezuela to Egypt." The next line, "Harare to Cairo to Bucharest to Muscat" becomes "Zimbabwe to Egypt to Romania to Oman." Finally, "Kathmandu to New Delhi to Kathmandu to Cairo" becomes "Nepal to India to Nepal to Egypt."
- Take a look at the first letter of each country name.
- The first letter of each country in Pokey's world tour spells out the three-digit combination to the lock: FIVE - ZERO - NINE. Unlock the suitcase using 509 to access additional evidence.
Map of Venue
- The first sentence in the speech bubble on the back of the map of venue has also been encoded with a shift key of 13.
- Decoded, the message reads "Thank you Dave!"
Pepe's Diagram
- Using either the magician's coin or the measuring grid in the bottom right corner of Pepe's diagram, you can pull evenly-spaced letters from the string of random letters along the perimeter of the page. The revealed message reads "Stealing has consequences, Dave."
Pokey's Trick
- The final handwritten note on the back of Pokey's trick is an encoded shift cipher.
- The key to the shift cipher is 13; move each letter backward 13 spots in the alphabet to decode the message.
- Decoded, Paul's message reads "Will you marry me?"
Suspect Elimination
- The photo of the crime scene in the show incident report shows a blue smudge on the dislodged railing. The killer had to have access to something blue.
- Looking for something blue? Focus your attention on the producer's notepad pages and Dave's trick within the locked suitcase.
- According to the list of items in each contestant's rider, as described in the producer's notepad pages, Caleb and Kate both had access to something blue. Dave's trick also mentions his access to a blue substance.
- The rehearsal schedule update on the unlocked Producers' Drive shows the most up-to-date schedule of events for the day of the murder. When confirming alibis and suspects' potential opportunities to commit the murder, make sure you reference the new schedule.
- Keep an eye out for any time stamps that fall within the window of opportunity for the murder. The news article on the locked Producers' Drive and the Birdlr screen capture could be good places to start.
- According to the Birdlr screen capture, Kate was at Chuckle Hut during the time of the murder.
- According to the news article, Matt was at his restaurant during the time of the murder.
- The pet shop receipt has a clear 3:07 p.m. time stamp, but who made the purchase? You may need to revisit the ANS website to learn more about the suspects and their lives outside of the show.
- According to the bios on the ANS website, Angela's real last name is Olson. At the time of the murder, she was busy buying rats and setting them loose in Matt's restaurant.
- Cross-referencing clues in the printout of text exchange with Paul, show incident report, and producer's notepad pages, you'll discover that Melissa was making out with someone in the bathroom during the time of the murder. Who has green eyes?
- In Melissa's notes and in photographs of Caleb, you can learn that Caleb has green eyes. Therefore, Caleb was preoccupied at the time of the murder.
Time of Death
- In the printout of text exchange with Paul, his last text was sent at 3:29 pm on Tuesday. This means he was killed between 3:29 pm and 3:45 pm.
Angela Intro Semi v2
Melissa [off-screen): Alright, Angela. Tell us, why did you choose archery?
Angela: I guess you could say I chose archery because it was different. My parents are both athletes and they made sure I tried all sorts of sports. I never really got along in things like field hockey or basketball though. Archery is cool because I could do it on my own. (speaking with conviction) Be my own person.
Melissa (off-screen): Ah, yes, awesome! Love that. Tell us again, why do you love archery? And be more animated this time! Here we go.
Angela (incredulous, getting frustrated): A-animated? What does that even mean— okay. (pauses to compose herself) I love the feeling of visualizing my arrow hitting its target before I let loose and then — swoosh! (claps hands to mimic the arrow hitting the target) Bam! (forcefully, to Melissa) Is that good enough for you?
Melissa (off-screen): Perfect.
[Angela sighs, exasperated.]
Melissa (off-screen): Angela, one more question. Tell the world what you want to show 'em. What are you going to show the world? And make a pun out of it if you can.
Angela: (pauses to think) Okay. (forcefully) I'm Angela and I hope to show the world that there's more to me than meets the bullseye.
Anonymous Warning
Forget what you saw or you'll be sorry
Caleb Intro Semi v2
Caleb: Music, to me, is the language of life. I mean, it runs deeper than anything we can say with just words or actions. Music makes people feel, makes people remember, in a way that no other form of communication, no other art, can come even close to doing. And that's what gives me an edge. I'm using the highest form of communication to reach our judges and the audience.
Melissa (off-screen/breathlessly): Wow, Caleb, that was beautiful. So, Caleb, um, how did you get into jazz?
Caleb: Well, I've been playing trumpet since I was eight or nine, but I've loved music, especially the sound of brass, for as long as I can remember. You know, my grandma was a huge Satchmo fan, and he became my hero through her.
Melissa (off-screen): Caleb, that is so sweet! (flirtatiously) Were you just a little grandma's boy?
Caleb: (laughs) Sure, yeah, you could say that.
Melissa (off-screen/laughing): Oh my gosh. Oh, this is going great, Caleb. This is great! Alright, so, Caleb, who do you look up to?
Caleb: Yeah, cool. Um, I mean, I love everything from Louis Armstrong — especially Louis — to Miles, Baker, Dizzy, Marsalis; I mean, if they've got a horn to their lips and they've got something to say, I'm listening, you know?
Melissa (off-screen): Wow. Me, too; can't wait to see what's next!
Caleb: Well, I plan on giving the judges something to sing about.
Dave Intro Semi v2
Melissa (off-screen): Alright, maybe this time tell us about who you're not.
Dave: (laughs incredulously) Okay. Like, I'm not a clown?
Melissa (off-screen): No. Obviously.
Dave [scoffing]: That was a ridiculous question.
Melissa (off-screen): (exhales forcefully) What makes you different from other magicians?
Dave: Well, I'm better. Obviously. But I think you'll probably need a bigger soundbite, huh? (chuckles) I'm not like your stereotypical magicians. I don't do wands or balloons or a rabbit out of a hat or anything stale like that. I like to get my hands dirty. I make all of my own gear, which — most people don't realize, as well as other magicians — that that's where a lot of your hard work goes unseen.
[Dave looks at his hand, notices a faint blue residue, and wipes his hand on his shirt.]
Melissa (off-screen): Okay, great. Now —
Dave (interrupting, laughing at his own cleverness): But I guess that's the whole point, right?
Melissa (off-screen): Sure.
Dave: For your hard work to go unseen, is what I'm trying to say to you.
Melissa (off-screen): Uh-huh. Give us a quick send-off, Dave.
Dave: (sighs as he collects himself) I'm Dave Page. And I'm an artist. And as an artist, it is my duty to share my art with millions of people. That is my gift. I can't wait to show the judges what I have up my sleeve, and everyone's jaws are gonna drop. I hope you're ready.
[Dave winks at the camera and holds the pose for a second before turning off-screen.]
Dave (annoyed, dropping the friendly tone): Are we done? (repeats forcefully) Are we done?
Dave's Trick
- [A rough sketch of the stage and catwalk, along with notes and a series of arrows demonstrating the progression of the trick.]
Written on the Stage
Written Beside Catwalk
Kate Intro Semi v2
Melissa (off-screen/sighing): Alright… Kate! Tell us how you got your start in stand-up.
Kate: Ah… Friends and family for as long as I've been able to talk have said I'm a funny person. I don't know, it's just always come easy for me. So, I thought, why not give it a shot? I can do this. (chuckles and clears her throat)
Melissa (off-screen): Great! Now —
Kate (interrupting): Yeah, it is. (motions to someone off-screen) Uh, hey, get me a water, would'ya? I've got a frog. (points to her throat and coughs a bit)
Melissa (off-screen): Uh, can we just get through this? Tell us about your style as a comic.
Kate (glares at Melissa and scoffs in disbelief): Uh, sometimes I take things too far. Maybe. Ah, that's what some people say, anyway. (pauses) I know I've ruffled a few feathers in my time, but I - I think that's part of the craft. You know, that's where comedy really hits the sweet spot, when you can push the envelope and show people that you can come out on the other side and they're still breathing and they're still alive — and, who knows? Maybe they're even laughing. (she holds her forced smile for a beat, then clears her throat and drops the upbeat tone to show her irritation) How much longer we doing this?
Melissa (off-screen): Well, tell us what you love about stand-up.
Kate (laughing): Everything, probably. (sighs) Well, I love getting reactions — pushing buttons and making people tick — or blow up! (laughs) I don't know — it's just fun for me. (laughs) I get a platform to tell it like I see it. And I don't have to hold back. And I can just be myself in all my dirty-ass glory. (laughs) Oh, this one time I made this kid cry. Little kid, with his parents. I mean, what kind of idiot brings a kid to MY show? (laughs) I'm not exactly a family comic.
Melissa (off-screen): (sighs) Uh, we'll - we'll edit out that last part. Kate, what would you say to people who don't think you can win?
Kate: People can say what they want, but when I win I'm going to be laughing all the way to the bank.
Letter from Leslie
Back of Page → Signature
- L. Zechman
Map of Venue
Back → Paul
- Pokey's World Tour
- Paris to Rome to Caracas to Cairo
- Harare to Cairo to Bucharest to Muscat
- Kathmandu to New Delhi to Kathmandu to Cairo
Top of Diagram → Paul
- Remote Control Winch
Middle of Diagram → Paul
- 45° Mirrors
Bottom of Diagram → Paul
- Trap Door
Beneath Diagram → Paul
1. Prior to start, feed winch through trap door
2. Banter with Pokey
3. Smoke effect
4. Hook winch to harness
5. Pose Pokey
Beside Steps 4 and 5 → Paul
6. Quick
7. Through trap door
8. Up winch
9. Smoke clears
10. Crowd sees Pokey
11. Spotlight on me on catwalk
12. = I win semifinals [smiley face]
In Speech Bubble → Paul
Paul Intro Semi v2
Paul: You know, I really don't know how it all started. You know, Pokey and I just met each other in a pawn shop in Branson and just kind of hit it off from there.
Melissa (off-screen): Mhmm.
Paul: We love working together.
Melissa (off-screen): Mhmm. Why don't you put Pokey down, Paul?
Paul: (hesitates) Down? No. (pauses, then continues emphatically) I can't put Pokey down because otherwise it affects his self-esteem. (chuckles)
Melissa (off-screen): Ah. (half-hearted forced laughter that fades into an awkward pause) But, seriously, just for – just for a minute.
Paul (sadly, to Pokey): It won't be long, okay?
[Paul gets up and moves off-screen with Pokey.]
Pokey (off-screen): What are you putting me down – Don't listen to her, listen to me! C'mon, c'mon! Yo - yo, there are not even any decent snacks here, c'mon Paul!
[Paul sits back down in front of the camera.]
Paul (apologetically, looking off-screen at Pokey): Just be a minute, okay? You'll be good, you'll be okay. (turning back to Melissa] I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Melissa (off-screen): So, what's it like being a ventriloquist? Tell us all about your career so far.
Paul (speaking to the camera): You know, I really have to say, working with Pokey has been the absolute best. I mean, don't get me wrong, who doesn't have their ups and downs? But Pokey has that special ability not just to make me better as a person, but to bring out the very best in me as an entertainer. (turns back to Melissa) But do me a favor, do not tell him that I said that, because it's gonna go straight to his head, and Pokey's head is already way too big as it is, okay?
Melissa (off-screen/laughing): Uh-oh! Well, what are you going to do if you two win?
Paul: (Looks off in the distance and pauses to think) You know, if we win, I really want to help my wife start back up in her career. I mean, that woman… Let me tell you, nobody has been more amazing and supportive of me, and I want this money just to be able to do this for her. (pauses) Um, there is actually one more thing. We've actually been wanting to adopt, but adoption is… it's very expensive. And I really want to start a family. So, um, that's my other plan. Hey, we have to give Pokey a little baby brother or sister, so let's win this thing, alright?
Melissa (off-screen): Alright, let's win this thing. Paul, give us a sign-off. How are you gonna win?
Paul: Oh, I am gonna win. And I'm gonna win the same way that Pokey and I have been winning forever. I am gonna put my money where mine and Pokey's mouth is. I'm gonna win because I'm the one that's going to show America the power of friendship.
Pepe Intro Semi v2
Pepe (nervously): Yeah, okay, um, so… (hesitates) should I just —
Melissa (off-screen): Tell us why you started making robots. What inspired you?
Pepe: Uh, so it's kind of hard to explain? (hesitates and nervously looks back and forth between Melissa and the camera)
Melissa (off-screen): Take your time.
Pepe: When I was a kid I loved Pinocchio. Um, my mom, she would read me — read it to me all the time. Uh, all the books, I saw all the movies, every version, and I just loved it.
Melissa (off-screen/gently): Great.
Pepe: And so, I - I think that's where it started for me.
Melissa (off-screen): Great. Love the mom stuff, what about your dad?
Pepe: (hesitates) Uh, well, my dad was really into ham radio, so when I got a little bit older he used to take me with him to this electronics shop that, I mean, it - it no longer exists, but… Man, we would just go find parts, and these things were like magical puzzle pieces. (laughs nervously)
Melissa (off-screen): You're doing great.
Pepe: Uh, and so I told my dad, I'm going to build robots. And I did.
Melissa (off-screen): And how has that all led you here? Tell us what you do now.
Pepe: Well, now I get to make these little skits with my robots and it's the most fun thing in the world to do. I hope I get to do it for a very long time.
Melissa (off-screen): Okay, now say something confident.
Pepe [looks down, hesitates again): I'm just going to show these judges what I can do.
Melissa (off-screen): Perfect.
Pepe's Diagram
Beside Robot's Head → Pepe
- No. 97 "Alfie"
Beside Parts Call-Out → Pepe
- 1. Timer
- 1.1 Timing gear — 4 cm diameter
Beside Drawing of Gear → Pepe
- A B C
- 4 cm
- A B C
- 1.2 Connect spring
- 1.3 Screw, Flat
- 1.4 Screw, Phillips
- 1.5 Spring lever
In Pokey's Speech Bubble → Pepe
- Help! I'm being squooshed by superior vision and skill! I should just roll over and die!
Along Left Margin → Pepe
- Gear spacing roll test [arrow pointing to string of letters]
- SjoopthyueshyatirlpaqtivhunkysngdguHpohcalohs
Top of Page → Pepe
- CksuvopyunmgbsptlienochqsyturugenblcnjauxcpsielaysijucDlosazeovlise.
Pokey's Trick
Page 108 → Beneath Cross-Out "Coin" in Title → Paul
- Ring
Page 108 → Above the Cross-Out "Coin" in Fig. 1 → Paul
- ring
Page 108 → Beside Each of the Three Cross-Out instances of "Coin" in Fig. 2 → Paul
- ring
Page 108 → Beside Final Typed Sentence → Paul
- Start showing her here
Page 108 → Beside Page Number → Paul
- "now for this to work, I need you to kiss my hand"
- "do you want to see the first trick I ever learned?"
Page 109 → Beside Each Instance of Crossed-Out "Coin" in Fig. 4 → Paul
- ring
Page 109 → Beside Fig. 5 → Paul
- Since we met, life has been magical. I want to feel this way forever.
Page 109 → Above Crossed-Out "Coin" in Fig. 5 → Paul
- ring
Page 109 → Above Page Number → Paul
- Jvyy lbh zneel zr?
Printout of Text Exchange
First Page → Leslie
- Just before he died —L
Producer's Notepad Pages
Page 1 → Melissa
- Semifinals Week
- Property of
- Melissa Gee
- Please return if found
- (or else…)
Page 2 → Melissa
- Friday
- Last night's quarterfinal was a good show. Contestants did well. Audience was pretty good.
Sorry to see Jen go but she seemed happy to get as far as she did. - It must be nice being satisfied with the work you do.
- Dave was a mess today. Like a piece of raw chicken in a hot trash can. Couldn't shoot b-roll or talk about his act. Must've had a late night @ the bar. No respect.
Page 3 → Melissa
- Paul seems to handle his liquor better?
- Pepe needs a life coach for people skills. Poor paranoid Pepe.
- Handled it.
- Angela: complaint about Paul's joke.
- I said it wasn't about her. (obviously it was) I don't think she bought it but she left me alone. Win.
- Green Eyes [doodle of a heart]
- Angela's mad.
- Lavender aromatherapy for Angela
Page 4 → Melissa
- Kate wants to know if she can perform @ a club. I said no. She said ask Matt. So now I have to talk to him. He's going to say no.
- Tell Kate Matt said no.
- Oh shucks, Kate's mad [smiley face]
- Most of the b-roll shoots went ok, next week will be a long babysitting week. [sad face]
- Look @ that [doodle of eyes looking right] Angela's better. Just needs attention. [smiley face] I talked to her a bit. She said she has an idea for her final performance [arrow pointing right]
Page 5 → Melissa
- Clay targets shooting up in time to music, her arrows hitting them in time to music.
- I told her: just focus on the semifinals, love her ambition.
- Do I though?
Page 6 → Melissa
- Saturday
- [crossed-out, illegible line]
- Had to change password to ANS ID login.
- Hint: when my soul started slowly dying (MMYYYY)
- Hair
- Groceries
- Make sure the "children" have everything on their riders:
- Pepe
- Almonds
- Bottled Water
- Patchouli Incense sticks
Page 7 → Melissa
- Angela
- Mesa protein bars
- A 6-pack of sports drink
- Lavender-scented towels
- Kate
- Chocolate bars
- Vodka
- Blue curaçao
- Blue sugar sticks - do these even taste any different?
- Fresh pot of coffee
- Dave
- 4 deviled eggs
- 2 beef sticks
- Fresh pot of coffee
Page 8 → Melissa
- Caleb
- Bottled water
- Little Boy Blue blue valve oil
- Yellow orchid
- Paul
- Fresh pot of coffee
- Bottled water
Page 9 → Melissa
- Sunday
- Dinner [doodle of a heart]
Page 10 → Melissa
- Monday
- Week's started off great. Just great. Kate wants a new ANS ID for some reason. I told her she can't pick one. We're all given one and none of us get to choose it.
- Why does it matter? She wants it to be personal. I reminded her it's based off her name and group. How more personal does it have to be? Tedious.
- 1st rehearsals
- [doodle of a trumpet] Caleb was great
- [doodle of a cloud] Paul was fine. Got a little bossy with the particulars but fine.
Page 11 → Melissa
- doodle of a magic wand] Dave all up in arms. More conspiracy theories. He's probably jealous, people like Paul more.
- [doodle of a pair of drama masks] Kate needs sparkling water, not still, not too sparkling. [crossed out illegible scribbles] Natural, with minerals. Maybe she needs to water her jokes and they'll grow funny?
- Pepe claims someone stole his timer or something. [Doodle of a clockwork gear]
- Oh! Not just any timer, one he designed specifically. Ultra-precise supposedly. For a robot. Could be a problem if it ruins his act.
- I told him he probably lost it and he'll have to make a new one.
Page 12 → Melissa
- Pepe: What's he thinking? What's he going to do about this "stolen timer"?
- Keep an eye on Pepe.
- Everyone thinks everyone else is a thief.
- Evidence, people???
- Address today @ wrap-up
- Lavender's effects = limited.
- Angela = very glary today.
- Pepe says he thinks he knows who did it, but won't say who. Wants me to go to Matt, I'd rather choke on a beetle
Page 13 → Melissa
- Tuesday
- Matt barged in and barged out again.
- Something about his restaurant?
- He sent something over on the producer server about Kate ?
- Dress rehearsals today
Show Incident Report
Page 2 → Bottom
- Darcy Evans
Staging Plan
Top → Matt
- We are not Santa Claus or his elves. We cannot accomodate everything. Only mention what's been agreed to if Melissa forgot to list something you need. Last minute additions will be denied. Matt Cassidy
In ALONSO Box → Pepe
- Alfie — PA
In BRANNING Box → Angela
- and safety net! Don't let me die! — Ang
In MONROE Box → Kate
- Just the stand. I'll bring the mic out with me. Wireless. — KM
In PAGE Box → Arrow Pointing Up → Dave
In PAGE Box → Dave
In WYSON Box → Caleb
Perfect, thank you! — C-Wy
In WYSON Box → Paul
- Don't be afraid to ask for what you need, Caleb.
In ZECHMAN Box → Paul
- Works. Thx. — PZ
Target Practice Sheet
Back → Clockwise from Top → Angela
- You're acting like a child!
- Good for you.
- Why don't you find yourself a nice young man?
- You should smile more.
- That's nice, dear.
- But you're so YOUNG!
- Well so-and-so's daughter has great job security!
- Are you sure about that?
- You could do something great if you wanted to
- Why don't you do something more marketable?
Back → Inside Speech Bubble Near Drawing of Pokey → Angela
- She's got a slick bow and arrow but she ain't got the back bone marrow.
- In order to have access to all of the information in the case, you'll need to determine the password to the locked Producers' Drive on the America's Next Superstar website and open the locked suitcase.
- The letter from Leslie reveals that the Producers' Drive belongs to Melissa. In the producer's notepad pages, Melissa gives a clue for her password (the date when her soul started dying in the format of MMYYYY) and explains that ANS ID numbers (which are used for the username) are generated from a person's name and group number. Cross-referencing information on the ANS website, rehearsal schedule, and semifinals program will help you identify MLG01 as Melissa's ANS ID and 102016 as her password.
- Logging in to the Producers' Drive using Melissa's credentials will grant you access to some crucial new evidence: various email screenshots and some videotaped interviews with the contestants.
- To open the locked suitcase, take a look at the stickers on the suitcase and the cities listed in Pokey's world tour on the back of the map of venue. Following the order of the cities listed in the world tour, write out each city's country. The first letter of each country will spell out the combination to the lock: FIVE - ZERO - NINE.
- Once you open the locked suitcase with the combination 509, you'll find a white rabbit that features the number 13, which is the key to the shift ciphers on the back of the map of venue and Pokey's trick. Decoded, the message on the back of the map of venue reads "Thank you Dave! LOL!"
- Finally, solving the "gear spacing roll test" along the edges of Pepe's diagram with the help of the magician's coin will reveal the message "Stealing has consequences, Dave." With all the hidden evidence revealed and the ciphers decoded, you can start determining which suspect had the means, motive, and opportunity to murder Paul.
- Looking closely at the photo of the crime scene in the show incident report, you'll notice a blue smudge on the dislodged piece of railing. This is part of the means, as whoever killed Paul had to have access to something blue. Cross-referencing the show incident report and the printout of text exchange with Paul will narrow the time of death window to between 3:29 pm and 3:45 pm.
- The back of the target practice sheet and the producer's notepad pages reveal a potential motive for Angela, as Paul had made a hurtful joke at her expense during one of his performances. However, she does not have ties to anything blue, so she lacks the means. She also did not have the opportunity to kill Paul, as she was purchasing rats and setting them loose in Matt's restaurant at the time of the murder, according to time stamps on the pet shop receipt and in the news article. The ANS website mentions that Angela's real last name is Olson, proving that the pet shop receipt is hers. You can clear Angela as a suspect.
- Matt does not have a strong motive to kill Paul, nor does he have any direct ties to anything blue, so he does not have the means. Additionally, the news article places Matt at his restaurant at the time of the murder, so Matt does not have the opportunity either. Matt is not the killer.
- Kate has a potential motive, as multiple documents claim she is the kind of person who will do anything to win, so taking out Paul as her top competitor is a possibility. Kate also has access to something blue as her rider in the producer's notepad pages mentions blue curaçao and blue sugar sticks. However, the Birdlr screen capture places her at a comedy club at the time of the murder, so Kate did not have the opportunity to kill Paul. Kate is not the killer.
- Melissa has no personal connection to something blue so she doesn't have the means. Using clues in the printout of text exchange with Paul, show incident report, and producer's notepad pages, you can deduce that during the time of the murder she was making out in the bathroom with someone with green eyes. Paul knew about the romance, so Melissa could have a potential motive to kill him in order to cover her own tracks, but since she lacks means and opportunity she cannot be the killer.
- The producer's notepad pages and hidden message in the From: Caleb Wyson screenshot reveal that Caleb is the one Melissa was hooking up with. And the anonymous warning handwriting matches Caleb's handwriting on the staging plan. The producer's notepad pages also show that Caleb had access to blue valve oil in his rider, so he has the means as well as the motive to kill. However, he was hooking up with Melissa in the bathroom at the time of the murder, so he did not have the opportunity and is therefore not the killer.
- Pepe does not have a solid alibi, so he cannot be ruled out from having the opportunity to kill Paul. However, he does not have a strong motive, nor does he have a connection to anything blue, so he appears to lack both means and motive. While Pepe cannot be definitively ruled out, he also cannot be confirmed to be the killer like the final suspect can.
- Pepe complained about someone stealing one of his timing gears, but he didn't want to say who did it. By decoding the message along the edges of Pepe's diagram, you can see that Pepe believed Dave stole the timing gear. Dave's alibi seems solid at first, as his smoke bomb went off in his dressing room at the time of the murder. However, Dave and Paul's tricks both involve setting off smoke bombs remotely. With Pepe's stolen timing gear, Dave could set up his smoke bomb to go off without him actually being there, meaning he had the opportunity to kill Paul.
- The handwritten trick inside the locked suitcase is in Dave's handwriting and the description of its execution is almost identical to that of Paul's trick on the back of the Map of Venue. With the decoded message at the bottom of Paul's trick saying "Thank you Dave! LOL!" and Dave's email including a strongly-worded complaint that Paul stole his trick, Dave's motive for murder appears. Dave was furious that his magic trick was stolen and no one on the production team was going to do anything about it.
- Finally, the handwritten trick in the locked suitcase shows that Dave's purple smoke comes from a blue powder, and in his interview video on the Producers' Drive, Dave can be seen wiping off some blue residue from his hands, giving him the means for murder.
- Dave had the motive to kill Paul for stealing his trick, he had the means with the blue powder residue leaving a smudge on the dislodged piece of pipe that he used to hit Paul on the head, and he used the stolen timing gear to create a fake alibi and give him the opportunity to commit the murder.
Dave Page is the killer. To complete the game, open the solution envelope and read the materials inside.