Episode 3

Physical Contents

Knots to Know Print

  • Jasper sent this to us to help us understand one of his hobbies.
  • It is also used along with his accompanying letter to decode a password to a hidden archive on the Listening Friends of America website.

Letter from Jasper

  • Why does Meg say she can understand Jasper's animosity toward authority figures? What would make her feel this way?
  • Throughout the letter, Jasper lists random times. These are used along with the "Knots to Know" print that he sent us.
  • The second number in each "time" is the number of a knot. The first number in each "time" is the number by which to shift the first letter of the knot's title.



  • Four Past Two: Bowline ⇒ 2 (B) + 4 = F
  • Five of Ten: Fisherman's knot ⇒ 10 (F) - 5 = A
  • One on the Dot: Clove hitch ⇒ 1 (C) +/- 0 = C
  • Two Past One: Clove hitch ⇒ 1 (C) + 2 = E
  • Twelve Past Seven: Harness hitch ⇒ 7 (H) + 12 = T


  • "FACET" is the password for the hidden archive "Woven" on the Listening Friends of America website.
  • Is this gibberish in the archives ever going to make sense!?

Letter from Sheriff

  • The sheriff discovered a body near the facility.
  • He also found a staff calendar, which looked odd to him.

Letter from Sylvia

  • If the facility is IN Bozeman, how come it took Sylvia an hour to get TO the facility FROM Bozeman?
  • There are odd symbols spread throughout this letter. Sylvia references Babylon. These symbols are part of their ancient language called cuneiform.
  • Using cuneiform to decode the symbols, a message is revealed:

    • What does she have planned?

Listening Friends of America Letter

  • Why does Meg want so badly for Jasper to "stay in the program"?

    • What is he up to inside that would jeopardize his eligibility?
  • Meg now wants us to recommend the Listening program to others. Why?
  • Again, Meg insists that everything in the program is running smoothly.

    • Why is she so adamant about that? What does she really know?

Note from Felix

  • In this note, Felix ascertains that his previous suspicions of Dr. Cortes were correct.
  • He implores us to continue delving into the hidden archives on the Listening Friends of America website.


  • As indicated by the inspector notes, this piece is intended for use in practicing knot-tying.

Photo of Corpse

  • The body is indistinguishable as to the gender.

    • The head appears to be covered with a plastic bag of some sort.
    • Possible cause of death: asphyxiation.
  • It is lying prone (face down), appearing to be stripped of any clothing.

    • There are multiple lacerations covering the entire backside of the body.
    • Only the torso is covered with leaves.
    • Why not the entire span? Because it was a "challenge" as the sheriff speculated?
  • Could this be the corpse of the real Dr. Cortes? Is Jasper impersonating the real Dr. Cortes for the sheriff's visits?

    • Otherwise, if patients cannot take visitors, how else does Jasper know of the sheriff's mannerisms and appearance as mentioned in his accompanying letter?

Sheriff's Supplemental Report

  • According to this letter, not a single patient has visitation rights.
  • This report supports that Clark is the groundskeeper.

    • Clark returned from vacation on the staff calendar.
  • According to this report, Dr. Cortes lives onsite and has 24/7 access to the facility.
  • The sheriff is the one who provided us with the staff calendar, as he thought it had some importance.
  • Poème Symphonique is a 1962 composition by György Ligeti for one hundred mechanical metronomes. It was written during his brief acquaintance with the Fluxus movement.

    • This fits in with Jasper's obsession with time.
  • *I despise metronomes!!! 😒

Staff Calendar

  • The handwriting for Cortes's shifts and "Cleaning Day" are the same.

    • Given that it appears employees write the entries themselves, is Cortes in charge of the cleaning assignments?
    • What type of cleaning...?
  • It is supported by the sheriff's accompanying supplemental report that Clark is the groundskeeper for the Bozeman facility.
  • What does Meg mean by "backup"?

Stallion Necklace

  • This is a golden pendant on a long chain.

    • It coincides with the equestrian theme of this season.

Digital Contents

...Listening Friends of America Website

Inspector Notes Database

  • File: MG131H
  • Password: MG131H9D2


  • Inspector: Meghan Gibson

    • *Note the changes in the form layout and overall tone.

    • LFoA Welcome Letter: Another letter from yours truly. I hope that I do not come across too strongly. I really want this listening friend to stay in the program.

    • Patient Letter: It looks like Jasper is getting caught up in the time, but it is in such a specific way. It almost feels like he is outside of time. And I can tell he does not trust the motives of certain authority figures. I can understand that.

    • Paracord: Something with which to practice tying knots. Smooth and strong.

    • Letter from an Outside Friend (Sylvia): I am not sure I am following these letters from Sylvia correctly. What did the first one say? What about the second?

    • Picture of Various Knots: What a lovely print. It is so interesting how each numbered figure diagrams so closely which way to go with a rope. What would Jasper use these knots for?

    • Horse Trinket: I see. The wild horse. But what if a horse prefers the stable?



  • Click on the small circle icon in the bottom-right corner to open a hidden list of archives.


  • Archive: Woven
  • Password: FACET


  • Hidden Words

    • Garden
    • Balance
    • WinstonSalem