Episode 3

Physical Contents


  • A reference to JWJ from Season 1: Awakening (1618)!
  • Based on information in Penny's letter about Kohler, is it safe to assume that proctor 34 was Dr. Kohler?

    • If so, Penny was right. He done effed up and shit the bed.

Cross-Stitch Panel

  • Using the needle, yarn, and the color key at the bottom of Penny's letter, completing the panel reveals a message:


Cross-Stitch Pattern

  • This is a gift from Penny, to share in the arts and crafts the facility had her doing.


  • Ugh, this thing reads like stereo instructions. 😁

Letter from Penny

  • Penny says she doesn't think Kingsley is trying hard enough in her case.

    • I don't think he is either.
  • Penny said "High five" at the end of a sentence.
  • High fives are mentioned again when Penny speaks of Sven.
  • Counting every fifth word in the next paragraph reveals a message:

    • "Kohler is listening friends hired psych enforcement help me use Vernon's form"
  • Did Penny mean to put an extra "is" in the beginning of the fourth paragraph?
  • Why does she only include two dots in her ellipses?
  • Kenny always wanted a dog, but he got a pig instead? That makes no sense...
  • Did she seriously just say Kenny manipulated her into having a child?
  • Penny talks about her paintings and waiting until she finishes them all "to see the bigger picture"?

    • I wonder if we'll be able to piece them together once we collect all of them.
  • In the postscript, Penny uses the word "two" instead of "to".

    • What could this allude to?
  • Penny gives us the color key for the cross-stitch pattern she gave us.

    • All but two of the codes are letters. Two are purely numbers.

Magazine Page

  • The travel ad sports Thailand as one of their getaway locations, the same as the postcard.
  • The article on the other side is about Dr. Kohler.
  • If Kohler is the head psychologist in Boise, Idaho, what the heck is he doing in Texas?


  • This is used to thread the yarn into the cross-stitch panel.

Note from Patient 7166

  • Pay attention to the salutation: "HIGH FIVE BUDDY". Penny also mentioned "high five" in her letter.

    • This note uses the same coded message key as her letter.
  • Counting every fifth word of the message body reveals a hidden message:

    • "I hope you are getting someone to put the numbers in the form that is the only way you are getting out of here".

Penny's Painting

  • Rotating the painting 90 degrees to the right reveals a Morse code.
  • The decoded message reads:


Postcard Copy

  • Kenny went traveling without Penny?

    • Was this before or after Gregory was born?
    • Why didn't he bring her with him?
  • Why was this "seized" as evidence?

    • Is it considered motivation on Penny's part to kill Kenny?

Second Chance Letter

  • Vernon is, like, very unprofessional in his writing. What is he, like, a surfer dude wannabe?

Stuffed Pig

  • Penny mentions this in her letter, relating how instead of a dog, the late Kenny had gotten a pig. However, she did not say how she came about it or why she had it.


  • Penny only gave us brown and yellow yarn.
  • The label has quite a few misspellings. Are these intentional?

    • Advamced instead of advanced
    • Envionment instead of environment