Physical Contents
Crime Scene Photos
Penny took these photos after she killed her husband and child. She then hid them before being caught.
- She sent them to us as mementos.
- *The writers decided to not depict photos of dead children, therefore we only see Gregory's hand and arm while we see Kenny's head and bullet wound.
- The keychain depicting the Mona Lisa is a gift from Penny from Paris.
Letter from Felix
Felix has no idea we were the ones who got Penny released!
- HA!
- With all this "thorough investigating" going on, I hope they never link the breach back to us. It would be linked to Vernon, since we used his credentials to hack into the system.
He signs his letter with "Audis dicis veritas" which translates to "Hearing is truth".
Letter from Penny
- In the last two sentences of the first paragraph, certain letters are bolded.
- This is a Francis Bacon (Baconian) code. The clue is "France is".
- The way this code will work is by replacing every bolded letter with "B" and every non-bolded letter with "A", beginning after the colon. Group into sets of five letters.

- Solving this code gives us a website.
- I effin' knew it. Penny did commit the murders and we set her free.
She admits how she manipulated and strung us along, like a marionette without strings.
Letter from Penny to Felix
Penny wrote to Felix from Paris?
- Why?
- She gives him so many clues to track her down and even implicates us in the process.
- In this letter, Penny reveals that it was Felix who was the "beneficiary" paying off Kingsley and other officials to drop her case.
Why in the world is she still claiming her innocence?
- She sent us photographic proof of her crimes.
Marionette Cross
- Penny sent this as a symbol of how she used us as a marionette to gain her freedom, despite her guiltiness.
Missing Persons Report
- This report is for Angela Hartwell!
- Was I right that Penny paid her a little visit!?
Last known activity was that she might stop by her brother's house.
- Did she happen to go there at the same time Penny stopped by?
The report states Angela owned a gray Toyota Prius, the same vehicle Penny was witnessed driving and abandoned at the airport.
Newspaper Clipping
- This article is about Penny's escape and the town's reaction.
Angela couldn't be reached for comment...
- Wouldn't it be lovely if Penny had paid her a visit and shut that bitch up for good?
Penny's Painting
- This is Penny's final painting. It contains another Morse code message.
Once decoded, reading from left to right at a 90-degree angle, the message reads:
Report from Agent Kelly
- This is a memo from Agent Klyde Kelly to Felix.
Penny cleaned out Gregory's savings fund set up by Kenny and Angela.
- So, she did have access to it the entire time.
Penny purchased a tarp and garbage bags.
- To dispose of a body?
Second Chance Letter
- The facility acknowledges that Penny is gone.
- They wish us to keep silent publicly but let them know if we hear from her.
Well, guess what? We heard from her again.
- But will we report it to LFoA? No.
Digital Contents
Penny in Paris Website
- The URL for this website can be found by solving the hidden code in Penny's letter.
- This is Penny's blog site from Paris.
She reveals that she left Angela's body in the car when she ditched it at the airport.
- Why was this fact left out of Kelly's report to Felix?
- And she even posts a pic of the body in the trash bags and tarp she purchased at Luna's General Store. The nerve of this woman!
- This is the only pic on the blog that can be clicked on to reveal a more colorful detailed rendering.
Calling the phone number at the bottom of the blog site sends us to Penny's voicemail.
- Interesting.
Penny speaks some sentences in French. Translated, she is saying:
- "I am finally free. I killed my husband and my son, both of them, it was me. And I regret nothing."
- "Goodbye, my friend."