Physical Contents
Arawn's Poison
- It contains a "lava lamp"-type substance and some kind of globule.
David's Notes
- On one side, David recalls the time June took his picture while he was still on the other side.
The Otherworld phrases translate to:
- D-EH-L
Instructions from Elin
- Elin explains how she came to Cooper's Rock and of the time she met David.
- She reveals that Arawn had tried taking her over once before when she was just a child.
- She tells us how we must use Arawn's poison in the ritual.
The Otherworld phrases throughout the instructions translate to:
- A-R-AHH-EUH-N (x5)
Letter from Museum Curator
- We learn that the darkness temporarily took Elin and that things are getting even worse in town.
- June tells us to decipher the part of the sigil we have (from the Otherworld Spell pieces we received in Episodes 3 and 4) and email the written translation to her via the contact form on the website.
Letter from Museum Director
- This is a statement of our final installment with the apprentice program.
- We are given our final assignment for the site.
LVL Letter
- This is an email from LVL to June.
- They basically threaten to "take measures" if she does not get rid of everything she has gathered from them.
Message from David
- David lays out his plans for getting into the mine and dispelling Arawn.
Museum Patch
What the hell kind of shit is this!? Creepy as hell.
- How can this be an "official" museum item?
Newspaper Clipping
- This is the newspaper clipping June mentioned in her letter.
This details a little more of what's been happening.
- Mutilated corpses found in the woods.
- People having seizures and being hollowed.
- Mysterious hybrid creatures.
Otherworld Document
- This is the final piece of the sigil. It is to be pieced with the other fragments received in Episodes 3 and 4.
- Using a blacklight will reveal the hidden message.
Once deciphered, this message will read:
- We must send this message to June via the contact form on the website.
No matter how many times I tried, I did not receive an email response from June...
- The response is supposed to have a document with information on how to log into the Strahlenberg website.
- *Update: I received the email 3 months after completing this episode...
Digital Contents
Cooper Heritage Center Website
Volunteers → Apprentice Curator Assignment #5
- Password: HISTORIAN
Volunteers → Apprentice Curator Assignment #5 → ONLY TRUE TOWN HISTORIANS CAN BEAT THIS QUIZ!
Question 1: What year was the Cooper Heritage Foundation founded?
- Correct Answer: D - 1906
Question 2: At what age did Sydney Cooper die?
- Correct Answer: B - 56
Question 3: Which of these productions does the Cooper Community Playhouse reenact every year?
- Correct Answer: A - 1897 Public Hanging of a Madman
Question 4: What year was Harris Mill built?
- Correct Answer: C - 1880
Question 5: According to the 1890 Cooper's Rock census, which establishment did Isaac Silverheel run?
- Correct Answer: A - General Store
Completing the quiz gives us the password for the new archive.
Volunteers → Apprentice Curator Assignment #5 → Archive
Strahlenberg Website
- We are meant to get the login info from June's email response to relaying the Otherworld spell to her.
I did not receive such an email, therefore this information is derived from the episode recaps.
- *Update: I received the email 3 months after completing this episode...
Staff Resources → Security
- Username: SysAdmin
- Password: 4sc3nd
- We must alter routes in order to enable David and Elin access through the tunnels.
- 24-19-0-22-0: ATLAS
- 4-24-23-23-7-0: EREBUS
- 9-4-11-16-16: LETHE
- 4-19-9-8-18-2-5-10: TARTARUS
- 25-24-14-23-17-1-15: ACHERON
This just gives us a still of David and Elin and a message that motion was detected.